Read this tutorial and learn how to earn money online for free. Plus, you can have your own two free websites. Click here now if you want to know how people make money online!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Compilations of tips on how to have a beautiful skin

Are you tired of surfing the net on how to have a beautiful skin and end up getting the same information. Well, worry no more. I complied all the tips offered by different websites. The funny thing is you can summarize it to 10 tips to have beautiful skin. Some sites coated their tips with so many words that half of the content of the article is useless. So, without any more delays here are the compiled tips on how to have a beautiful skin.

1. NUTRITION and VITAMINS- This is the foundation of a beautiful skin, eat food and vegetables. Also take Vitamins especially Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, if you cannot afford food supplements sold in drug stores buy fruits and vegetables instead. They are better and cheaper than over the counter vitamins. So, eat right and you will look right. You can also drink genuine fruit juices fortified with vitamins. If you crave for snacks, always check the nutrition facts if it contain vitamins and minerals.

2. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER- Water flush away toxins and impurities from the body. Eat atleast 8 glasses of water everyday. You know already that water is a very vital substance in our body so we have to always replenish it. It would be best to drink plain water than flavored ones because the latter may contain lots of sugar and calories which is not good for your health.

3. Get ENOUGH SLEEP- Sleep is so important because it is the time when our cells are being repaired. Our skin will look dull and rough without proper sleep. It is because our skin regenerates when we sleep. If we do not sleep, our skin will not have its proper regeneration.

4. CLEANSE, TONE, and MOISTURIZE your face- This is basic skin care. According to other websites, you have to clean your face twice one in the morning and one in the evening. Use a mild soap or facial wash because the skin is in the face is more sensitive compared to other parts of the body. When you wash your face do not pull it or scrub it hard, if you do so it will damage your skin. Tone your face after washing your face. Some websites say that you should also tone twice but I disagree. I tried that before and I got pimples because my face was stripped off its natural oils making it sensitive. Tone once everyday only preferrably during night time specially when you use make up. The reason why you have to clean and tone your face at night is because the skin get rid of dirt at night. You do not want your make up to block the dirt's exit, right. Now the most important part is to moisturize your face. With all the washing and chemicals, your face will be stripped off of its elasticity and oils. So it is important to moisturize. Moisturizer comes with three options, for oily, dry, and normal skin. If you do not know what your skin type is look in the mirror and check if your face is oily or dry in a way thay you get scaly skin.

5. Apply LOTION IN YOUR BODY- It is also important that you moisturize your body. Choose lotions with glycerin and other moisturizing substances. But avoid harmful products which will be enumerated later.

6. AVOID THE SUN- From 10am to 3 pm, the sun emits UV rays which damage the skin. So, use sunblock, hats, or umbrellas to prevent those UV rays. However, sunbathe from 7 to 8:30 because we need Vitamin D.  Try to keep away from the sun from 10am to 3pm, if you can't buy sunblocks with high SPFs.

7. EXFOLIATE- It means remove dead skin cells. There are products which offer exfoliating creams, gels, and the like. Some are really expensive. Do not worry, the best exfoliating substance is cheap and easily available to everyone. They're SUGAR ans SALT! Just rub it in your body and face but not to harsh okay. I personally prefer sugar it has a better result and it's not salty. Exfoliate once or twice a week. Not everyday okay, it will prevent the baby skin from becoming mature.

8. EXERCISE- Exercise produce indorphine which makes you happy. It removes your stress and energize you. Do you know what is the best exercise? It's walking and climbing stairs! You do not have to go to gyms to exercise. If you go to your office or school, climb atleast two flight of stairs before using the elevator or escalator. If you go to the mall, walk as much as you want. According to studies, jogging is not a really good exercise. It exerts the muscles and bones which can cause fracture and long term bone damage.

9. SAY NO TO DRUGS, SMOKING, and ALCOHOL- Smoking causes wrinkles, alcohol dehydrates the skin, and drugs destroy your entirety. Do not use them, if you do you will look like 45 at the age of 30.

a. Ingredients to avoid-mineral oil, dioxane, alcohols, paraben, fragrance
    b. What to look for-collagen, wakame, xtend-tk, co(enzyme)Q10, optional (sunblock), glycerin
Let's face it almost all produts have paraben, perfume, and alcohol. So, what should we do? It is important to wash and clean the face. Look for moisturizers that do not have this harmful substance like Clineteque and Myra-E (although it contains fragrance.)

So, there you have the 10 compilations on tips on how to have a beautiful skin.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Very Easy Way to Earn Money

Tired of clicking PTCs and investing money for nothing? Have you ever wondered if there is an easy way to earn money without clicking and signing up to various websites? Have you ever wished to just recruit people to join in a free site and earn money? You think that's impossible, right?
Well, think again. There is a way for you to earn money easily. You just have to invite your friend to join and do a little task for you. Do not worry this is not a scam wazzub site. This site is SFI. SFI Affiliate Center is a marketing website like amazon. They have various programs to help you earn money easily.
You can earn money by selling their products, earning versa points, inviting people and joining their SFIPPA program. If you like selling you can sell the products listed in their tripple clicks site and you'll get a commission. In earning versa points, all you have to do is earn atleast 1, 500 VP every month to earn atleast $1.00. Earning VPs is easy, just do the task everyday and you'll be able to reach it. What I recommend is the SFIPPA program. All you have to do is register in their site, earn atleast 1,500 VP by clicking the green letter V in the VP Ledgers, and ask people to register in the site provided by them. For more information on what is SFIPPA join their site now. Visit   ww* for more information about there site. So far, I only earned $3 because I am not an active member. So Try it out. It's free.

By the way, your money will be credited after 2 months.

NOTE: You should earn atleast 1,500 Versa Points to earn an additional $1. And the people you recruited should also earn atleast 1,500 VP. This way, you will maximize your earnings.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What is wrong with Cybercrime Prevention Act

Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 or Republic Act No. 10175 created panic all over the Philippines. Is there really something wrong with it? Based on the provisions in RA 10175, there is nothing that really curtail our freedom of speech and expression. All the punishable offenses are punishable not just in the Philippines but also in other countries. Hacking, scamming, and transferring virus are punishable under RA 10175, it is also punishable in other countries, so why prevent it?

Libel in internet should also be punished because many people including media personalities give libelous comments in their twitter and facebook accounts. They do this to avoid the law. By passing RA 10175, not just famous personalities but also ordinary people are protected by mean and ruthless people who bully others through the internet. Cyber bullying and other related negative effects of internet is min imized by this law. People said that the new law conflicts with Article 355 of the Revised Criminal Code because the new law allegedly imposes 12 years imprisonment. If you will study RA 10175, it does not give any penalty for libel. The 12 years imprisonment covers only Section 4(a) and 4 (b), Libel is under Section 4(c-5). Thus, the law DOES NOT IMPOSE HIGHER PENALTY. So what is wrong with it?

Many people also allege that it curtails freedom of expression. How come? Freedom of speech and exppression is not absolute as held by the supreme Court in many cases and its limitation includes libel. If the law punish those in print, television, and radio, are we going to let those who use the internet go unpunished? In this case, allowing libelous words in the internet will be a escape route against the law. If your neighbore wrote to a newspaper that you are a prostitute or a whore  (but you are not) but was not published because its libelous, then your neighbore will just post it in her facebook account. The result? Its similar, you are being insulted. We should be mindful of our words every single time. The internet is not a place to hurt other people.

The hearsays about punishing people who like or dislike a comment in facebook or other social accounts is not true. Same with allegedly punishable act of downloading movies or songs, RA 10175 does not punish this acts. Even if we say that the latter is punishable under the said law, it is already punishable under IPR law so even if you remove RA 10175, it is still punishable.

Do not just believe in what other people say, do your own research that you may understand. Do not depend on what the opposers say while holding banners and everything. They do that in every law passed.

What are punishable under the said law? they are:


Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems:

(1) Illegal Access. – The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right.

(2) Illegal Interception. – The interception made by technical means without right of any non-public transmission of computer data to, from, or within a computer system including electromagnetic emissions from a computer system carrying such computer data.

(3) Data Interference. — The intentional or reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration of computer data, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right, including the introduction or transmission of viruses.

(4) System Interference. — The intentional alteration or reckless hindering or interference with the functioning of a computer or computer network by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data or program, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right or authority, including the introduction or transmission of viruses.

(5) Misuse of Devices.

(i) The use, production, sale, procurement, importation, distribution, or otherwise making available, without right, of:

(aa) A device, including a computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this Act; or

(bb) A computer password, access code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of a computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that it be used for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this Act.

(ii) The possession of an item referred to in paragraphs 5(i)(aa) or (bb) above with intent to use said devices for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this section.

(6) Cyber-squatting. – The acquisition of a domain name over the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive others from registering the same, if such a domain name is:

(i) Similar, identical, or confusingly similar to an existing trademark registered with the appropriate government agency at the time of the domain name registration:

(ii) Identical or in any way similar with the name of a person other than the registrant, in case of a personal name; and

(iii) Acquired without right or with intellectual property interests in it.

(1) Computer-related Forgery. —

(i) The input, alteration, or deletion of any computer data without right resulting in inauthentic data with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were authentic, regardless whether or not the data is directly readable and intelligible; or

(ii) The act of knowingly using computer data which is the product of computer-related forgery as defined herein, for the purpose of perpetuating a fraudulent or dishonest design.

(2) Computer-related Fraud. — The unauthorized input, alteration, or deletion of computer data or program or interference in the functioning of a computer system, causing damage thereby with fraudulent intent: Provided, That if no

damage has yet been caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) degree lower.

(3) Computer-related Identity Theft. – The intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer, possession, alteration or deletion of identifying information belonging to another, whether natural or juridical, without right: Provided, That if no damage has yet been caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) degree lower.

(c) Content-related Offenses:

(1) Cybersex. — The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration.

(2) Child Pornography. — The unlawful or prohibited acts defined and punishable by Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009, committed through a computer system: Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall be (1) one degree higher than that provided for in Republic Act No. 9775.

(3) Unsolicited Commercial Communications. — The transmission of commercial electronic communication with the use of computer system which seek to advertise, sell, or offer for sale products and services are prohibited unless:

(i) There is prior affirmative consent from the recipient; or

(ii) The primary intent of the communication is for service and/or administrative announcements from the sender to its existing users, subscribers or customers; or

(iii) The following conditions are present:

(aa) The commercial electronic communication contains a simple, valid, and reliable way for the recipient to reject. receipt of further commercial electronic messages (opt-out) from the same source;

(bb) The commercial electronic communication does not purposely disguise the source of the electronic message; and

(cc) The commercial electronic communication does not purposely include misleading information in any part of the message in order to induce the recipients to read the message.

(4) Libel. — The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.

SEC. 5. Other Offenses. — The following acts shall also constitute an offense:

(a) Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of Cybercrime. – Any person who willfully abets or aids in the commission of any of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be held liable.

(b) Attempt in the Commission of Cybercrime. — Any person who willfully attempts to commit any of the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be held liable.



Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Important Tips before joining Money Making Sites.

Money making websites are every where. There are varieties of paid to click websites paid to sign up and do a task sites. These will guarantee earnings but they are minimal compared to real job. Some people want to know if they should join these money making websites. People who refer people would say yes right away. However there are various factors for you to consider before joining money making websites. Here are some important tips to consider before joining a money making website.

First of all, be wary of scam sites, check the internet first to see if they are legit or not.

1. Do you own your own computer and do you have your own internet connection? If you have it then you may join without so much burden. Money making websites such as neobux suspend accounts which are inactive for about 4 weeks. Some money making websites suspend users who are inactive for a week. If you do not own a computer and internet connection, you should think first if you can click everyday or atleast thrice a week.

Consider also that you cannot earn money from a referral unless you clicked the previous day. So, estimate the money you will need for computer rentals and the possible amount that you will gain. If you will gain more money then you may join.

2. Do you have enough time to click all the ads? If yes, then go ahead. You should know that clicking ads take a lot of time. You can spend as much as three hours to earn a cent from different websites. If you have no time to click at all, then do not join.

These two factors are the first things that you have to consider. It will be useless if you cannot click everyday and your hard earned money will only be forfeited. If you still want to join some sites I can recommend few websites that will not be suspended immidietly.

1. CLICKSIA and INCENTRIA These PTC and PTS will allow you to be inactive for 90 days or three months. Your money will not be lost upon reactivation.

3. SFI- It does not suspend members for inactivity.

4. Cashnhits and 20 dollar surf- They have autopilot so you just have to turn on your computer and connect to the internet. You earn just by waiting. You do not have to manually click the ads.

Another important tips before joining a money making website for Philippine Users:

1. If you are living in the Philippines and you are using smart bro broadband, do not join twickerz and neobux because you share a common IP address with the rest of the smart bro users. You will not be able to log in in Twickerz and you cannot click ads in neobux.

2. For non-internet owners, do not join PTC because the income you will receive is  not enough to cover your computer expenses.

PTCs and PTS are slowing down

Lately, I noticed that many PTC websites are slowing down. Meaning they are no longer active as they were before. There are less sign up advertisement and the like.  For example, neobux in the past it offered $.01 for every click. Now, it offers $.001 per click.

There are two possible future for PTCs and PTS websites. They will either disappear completely for the next five years or they will become more in demand.

The PTC sites might close in the future because many people will no longer trust it because of the small earnings. People might prefer using google , facebook, yahoo, and other bigger websites in advertising their products. The market for PTCs might become smaller because these big companies keep on offering cheap advertisements with greater result. At the same time, google adsense and other similar ads disallow their publishers to post their websites to traffic generating websites. So, less people will need PTCs in the future.

It might grow if more business will rely on traffic to attract customers. And they will prefer to use PTCs, however the chance is a bit smaller. They will prefer bigger companies than small time sites. so, as early as now we should look for a real job like freelancing.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Another one died in San Beda after he was hazed by supposed to be allies. It is ironic why future lawyers themselves commit crimes. They are supposed to uphold the law yet they are the ones who violate it. Did San Beda fail as a university in guarding their students? Did the parents failed in guiding their children? San Beda may have high passing rate of lawyers but it is one of the worst school in terms of disciplining their children. Why do they need fraternities to pass? Is friendship not enough? Why do these law students think that they can pass only through joining stupid groups?

I am proud to say that my school does not need fraternities. The higher years are willing to lend their notes if you befriend them. You do not need to have fraternities to have the copies of their previous exams. You do not need to undergo painstaking hazing or something.

It’s a shame that future lawyers commit murders. It’s a shame that they are the ones who applies violence over other people. Those students are the ones who become corrupt lawyers. San Beda and other law schools should see to it that those killings will stop.

Those law students who join fraternities are a whole bunch of stupid people. They do not know how to rely on their own strength. They prefer the shortcut method which will lead them to ruins. Did these people abandon God when they entered San Beda College? I think San Beda law school should be suspended because it is full of murderers. This school will only yield demons guised as lawyers. How terrible that our future lawyers coming from prestigious schools are the ones who have dirty hands. Law profession is said to be a noble profession but these future students are not nobles. They are nothing but worthless people like those who are in prisons.

Fraternity yields nothing but evilness, for whatever benefit they want to receive can be achieved by friendship and harmony.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

GAME REVIEWS: What online games can I play at the same time? (PH only)

Halos lahat ng online games e protektado ng game guard kaya di pwedeng makapaglaro ng ibang games ng sabay. Pero meron bang online games na pwedeng laruin ng sabay? Yep, meron base sa aking karanasan (experience) merong dalwanag laro ng pedeng pagsabayin. Habang pinapalevel ko skill ng isang game ko, yung isa naman ang pinapalevel ko. Anong laro to? CABAL at DRAGON NEST or SHAIYA at DRAGON NEST. BAkit pede silang pagsabayin? Kasi walang game guard ang dragon nest.

Sa mga di nakakaalam ano nga ba ang dragon nest na laro? Actually matagal ng laro to e pero isa sya sa pinakaunique na laro na nakita ko. Dito magpapalevel ka sa mga dungeons di tulad ng ibang laro na nasa fields lang yung mobs. Maganda rin yung story line dito at mga quests. Medjo boring lang kung yung quest mo e same place lagi. Cute yung characters at hanngang level 40 lang ang level cap. Isa sa unique feature nya e yung range ng skills, parang counter strike kasi kelangang nakaturo yung arrow sa mob para matamaan mo.

Cabal, well alam na natin kung ano ang cabal. Pero sa beginnersmay tips akong isheshare sa leveling. Paano magpayaman ng character kung walang pambili ng premium items.

1. Magquest kayo hanggang atleast level 100. Pag gnawa nyo quests specially yung story line makakalevel kayo ng 80 within a 2 weeks. Madami ding alz sa mga quest na ito.

2. Mag invest muna kayo sa adept na set, kahit yung pinakamura tapos magtrain kayo sa dummies habang naglalari ng dragon nest o nagreresearch o kung ano mang ginagawa nyo.

3. Huwag kayong bibili ng mamahaling gamit before level 100 or even before 110. Huwag na muna kayong bumili ng mga 100m na gamit kasi papalitan nyo din lang yan pag naglevel up kayo. Tapos may big chance pang di mabibili yung set nyo sa agency shop. Piliin nyo na lang muna yung pinakamurang amp/outrageous na set kasi mabilis lang magpalevel ang 1-100.

4. Habang maaga mag ipon na kayo ng alz habang madami pang quest kasi pag level 100+ bihira na ang quest. PAra makakuha ng rare items magkill kayo ng maraming mobs. Every 100 kills may lumalabas na special items. Nakacollect ako ng almost 6 sa isang araw na Epaulet of the Dead sa kakikill ng monster sa labas ng dungeon.

5. Basta level 1-100 quest lang ng quest wag na muna ang mamahaling gamit unless gusto nyong gamitin yan until level 120+

6. Kung may computer kayo sa bahay or laptop na toshiba (^^) pede kayong bumili ng broadband na smart taz mag 1 day unli kayo worth P50, taz iwanan nyo cabal nyo sa dummies overnight with all the +skill exp sets. Paggising nyo nag rank up na sya... promise.

7. Kung wala naman kayong computer at mahal ang net, try nyong mag overnight promos kasi mas mura yun di ba? Sa akin kasi every Sunday lang ako naglalaro from level 1-100. Inabot ako ng months before mag level 100(siyembre.) Kung friendly naman kayo, maghanap kayo ng computer owner na kakaibiganin at pedeng pumayag na ipaiwan yung character nyo sa mas mababang halaga. Mostly na magkakabarkada ganito ginagawa kasi yung owner din may account.

8. Kung ala naman kayong friend na owner tulad ko, ang problem mo jan e skill. Mahina levelling ng skill mo kaya malamang G.Master lang yan hanggang level 100. Kasi sa akin ganun e level 100 siya grand master pa lang pero since nagkabroadband na kami  napalevel ko siya ng transcender for 2 days only. Dun lang siya sa bandang dummy with all the adept set.

9. Kung wala kang pera, wag kang maglaro ng online games. Gastos lang yan. Maglaro ka na lang ng di kelangang ipalevel character tulad ng DOTA, Battle realms at iba pang LAN games.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

When the heart wants to cry loud

I feel great lonliness that my heart seems to burst. My faith is still strong but my tears are flowing. Where can I find a place where I can scream all the pains away. My heart just wants to say 'STOP', but what can I do. I can only plead to God to stop these pains.

Yesterday, one of my lovely puppies died. He is a strong 5 month old champ who managed to fight for its life for 3 days. As if a wind of death came, he vomitted its last breath. It tore my heart open. I gave what I can but he was taken away. That afternoon my other baby dog got sick until this day. I failed a three unit subject today, and one incomplete. I got an incomplete score because my teacher is so lazy to check our memorandums. I failed the subject because I am always unlucky. I have to chase my teacher tomorrow to settle the INC, but I cant. I have to go to the vet for my Pochi. It hurts to much.

I do not care about my grades, I just want all my puppies to be healthy and to live long. I wish I could scream but I cant. My family wouldnt want that. I do not want them to see me break down.

In my silent room, I will bear the pain. And pray to God, to not let any more of my babies part from me.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Earn money by referring people to join SFI

PTC and blogging is really tiresome. It needs a lot of time, you might wonder if there is an easier way to earn money? Is there a way where I can earn money fast just by referring? Yes, just by referring people you can earn money. What site is that? its SFI.

This one is a complicated site but offers a lot. SFI affiliate is a website that focus on internet business. What is really great about this is that there are many ways to earn money. The easiest is by referring people.

How can you earn by referring people to these website? First, join SFI and search for the sfippa section to know the rules.

Basically, you need to get your link which looks like this Make sure that it is in this pattern. 
You can earn here in two ways:
a. SFI affiliate signups and
b. TC Signups.

Before I explain there differences, there are things that you have to know first:
1. The recruited must always confirm the confirmation letter or else you will not be credited. 
2. Those who register here will not be your downline.
3. The amount will be processed and credited to your account after one month. So, it is best to gather as much referrals as you can each month.

There, so you must remember those things. Now, for Affiliate sign ups, the referred members must earn atleast 1500 versa points for you to be credited. I referred someone who earned only 1000 VP but I was still credited with $1.5, the thing is it is best to advice your referral to earn atleast 1500 VP. Let them know that earning that 1500 VP is totally free and easy.

The second method is the TC credits, you can earn atleast $.2 by making people sign up in there TC website. 

That is all you have to do if you do not have much money to invest. Ask your relatives and friends to join and explain to them how they can earn too. I advice that you read the important articles in SFI to learn more about how to expand the business. Take note that this method is only one of the features of SFI where you can earn money for free. Check out there website and read some of their expert articles.
Read more about Sfippa here :

Tell your friends and family to sign up as SFI affiliates at:

Monday, February 27, 2012


PTC for beginners part 8

I registered in a site and it gives huge cost per click which range from $.01-$.1. Then when I reached the minimum, I was told that I need to invest before I can withdraw. What does that mean? What is investment in PTC sites? I encountered the term investment in washington bux which offers $.1 per ad. I though it was a good deal to enter  this site. They offer 10 ads cost $.1 each day and the minimum cash out is $15. When I reached the amount, they told me that I have to invest.

Investment in PTC sites requires you to buy their product before you can withdraw your money. It is not a scam but a wierd scheme for them to earn money. It is like this, once reached let us say $15 you need to buy an advertisement package worth $15 to withdraw your $15. It's you loss if you cannot invest that amount.

For me, the investment scheme is devious. It is like you are just getting back what you gave. Your reward for clicking ads is free advertisement. You will give the money and you will just get it back. You did not earn any money at all, your money will not grow. Say you invested $100, then you will only get $100 from the site. Its like you deposited your money without interest. The only price you will get is free advertisement.

However, its not totally a bad thing if you have a site that needs to be promoted. For example, you upgraded your cashnhits account and you have a $.50 ptp. It means that you will earn $.5 for every 1000 unique views to your link. You can use the money to promote your link and earn $.50 or $.1 for incentria and clciksia. But if you have no link to promote.

Better stay away from sites that offer investments. It will just be a waste of time and effort.

PTC Tips to Earn more from PTC

I have been using PTC for 3 years now to earn money online. There were a lot of changes strating with neobux. Three years ago, you earn $.01 per ad. Today you will earn $.001 per ad and there are about 9 ads per day. Other sites before also offers the same rate. Today, they offer less than $.001. Despite the decrease in the ads rate, you can still earn money by following these simple tips to earn more money using PTC.

1. To earn more money using PTC you need to register to more than 3 PTC sites. You cannot earn much money by just registering in one site.  I sign up to almost 30 PTC sites and almost half of it are scams or needs investment. So beware in signing up. If you want to earn about $10 or more a month, sign up in atleast 5 PTCs and click them simultaneously each day. I suggest open three windows only, too much windows would cause your browser to crash. If you cannot click ads everyday, I suggest sign up to PTS instead of PTC, this way you can earn depending on your effort although you do not do it every day.

2. Toil for referrals. Earn more money by getting referrals. Its hard to get some referrals, I do not have referrals in my PTCs but I still earn. Many claimed that having referrals will give you more income (ofcourse.) so try to get some referrals. Hiring referrals is not really a good idea specially when they cost more than what you will earn. For example, a site will offer a referral worth $.3 per month but you will only earn 10-20% from their clicks and at the same time they do not click everyday. The good news is that you can replace your referral if they are inactive for 10 days, the bad news is that you have to pay for the replacement. Do not hire referrals if you cannot click everyday, it will not be credited to you if you did not click.

3. Check the PTC ads often, there might be ads which are inserted between 24 hours like in clixsense and neobux. They ad advertisements between 24 hours which expires immidietly.

4. Participate in free contests offered by the site. Hillbilly, Donkey, DCOS offers contests such as "most clicks or sign ups in a month" or something like that. I won $4 in DCOS, Dollarclickorsignup but that was a year ago. I am no longer using DCOS because its rates went from $.0025 to $.0001 per ad.

5. Avoid scam sites. It will only consume your valuable time.

PTC clicking takes more than an hour if you have a lot so be patient.

CAshnHits- Tips to Earn more

Cashnhits is a great website to earn income. It is user friendly and you have a lot of choices on how to earn money. The first thing that you need to know about earning money online is that it is not as easy as other sites advertise. If you prefer PTC (paid-to-click) program like this website, you need patience and time. 

Now, Cashnhits offers low cost ads but they really pay their members. I will post my proof of payment once I have the time.  Just so you know, earning money using cashnhits may be discouraging because it has low cost ads. You may want to click ads worth $.01  but some PTC sites that offer those high amount may be a scam or needs investment. Scam means they do not really pay, they only want you to click ads so that they can earn it for themselves. PTC sites that needs investments require you to deposit money to their account before you can withdraw the money you've earned.

CashnHits will give low cost ads but what makes it best is that when you click all ads, you can earn atleast $.02 a day. What you should do to maximize your earning is to:

1. Click the autosurf and let it play. You will get $.01-$.03 from leaving it in a new window while you are surfing for other ads.

2. Click all member ads in the PTC area. You will earn atleast $.02 here.

3. Click the high valued PTC, some are worth $.01.

4. Do simple PTSU if you have time, there are advertisements that pays you $.01 just by registering in a certain website.

There, Do those every day and you will earn much. You can withdraw your earning when you reach $.5. You can earn it in just a month or less.

If you really want to earn more, you can check their premium packages.

NOTE: You have to click the verification portion. After you have clicked the site, it will load and numbers will be shown. Click the appropriate number.

Friday, February 24, 2012

PTC for beginners PAID-TO-SIGN UP

What is PTSU?

PTSU means Paid to Sign Up other call it offer. Many PTC websites integrate PTSU in their sites. To make it simple, PTSU requires you to do a task to be paid by the advertiser.  Most of the time these tasks involves registering in a website, submitting an email, registering in a PTC website and clicking ads for a certain number of days. For example, an advertisement is listed in Cliksia saying that you will be paid with $.1 if you register in Cashnhits and click all ads for four (4) days. 
Earn money with PTSU tutorial

Let us first discuss the basic parts or components of a PTSU. Knowing these parts is very important because it will prevent you from making mistakes. (I will post an actual picture once my internet connection is fixed, its too slow today)

1. The first thing that you will see is the title of the advertisement, slots available and the value that you will earn from it.  Below is an example of an offer or PTSU taken from CashNhits. You will see the title which usually contain a short description of the task that you need to do. Beside it is the amount that you will be paid upon completion of the task. The third column is a category whether it is free or not or whether you have to pay anything or not. Some sites do not have this third column. I recommend beginners to start doing free offers.The slots tells you the available people the advertiser can approve.


2. Click an offer that interest you and read the instructions CAREFULLY.  You have to follow the instructions or else you will not be approved. Click the link where you need to register or do.


3. Once you accomplished the task, post the username or e-mail you used in registering with the link you clicked. Note: the username required is not your username in the PTSU account but the username/ email you used to register in the link the advertiser provided. The second blank rectangle is where you will put the required details, if no specific detail is given just paste the confirmation mail you received from your e-mail.


The PTSU is usually located in  the page "complete offer" or "Paid to Sign Up". You will be directed to offers.

Things to Remember:
  • Make sure that you can do the offer before accepting it. For example, if the advertiser require you to click for 4 days make sure that you have an internet connection for that. As for cashnhits, advertiser are given 14 days whether or not to approve you.
  • Follow the instructions, if you are required to enter a confirmation message, copy the message sent to you by the website. Most links contain your username and password, delete your password before pasting the proof.
  • If the advertiser denied you for no reason, open a dispute. 

1. It is easy to earn money.
2. You do not need referrals to meet the minimum amount.

1. Some advertisers will deny you for no reason, in which case open a dispute.
2. Some task requiring you to download software which contains viruses.
3. There are tasks which are difficult to do.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Leave your questions below.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Recommended: clicksia and Incentria

If you want to earn money without referrals, try clicksia and incentria. They are sisters site so they are almost the same.
These are PTS and PTC site. Paid to click and paid to sign up. The reasons that I recommend are the following:

1. Low minimum payout $1. You can receive it after about 3-5 days.
2. You can earn $2 in one week.
3. It is easy.

Unlike PTC, you do not have to click everyday to earn a dollar. All you have to do is complete offers. Offers are tasks posted by members which will give you $.1 (that's 10 cents). Most task will tell you to register in their PTC site and click for 4 days straight. Some will only require you to sign up, this is where I get most of my money. I earned $10 from these sites WITHOUT REFERRALS. I am too lazy to recruit referrals.  Even if you have referrals you will only earn 10% from the task they accomplished. In Incentria, I earned $3 after 2 weeks just by registering to sites and clicking for 4 days.

However, their PTC is so cheap, they offer about 7 ads worth $.001. That is why its better to do some tasks. What I sometimes do to earn money is to register to an offered site for four days then I will delete the said account after 4 days and register again if there is a new advertiser. Sometimes, I stick to the site and continue to click there.

The best part of earning money in clicksia and incentria is that there are offers that will only require you to register. Unlike other PTS sites, only clicksia and incentria has a dispute option. If the advertiser denied your task, you can dispute it for two days.

So, make an account now and see how it works. I do not have any referral links, even if i have you might just delete me as your referrer so go to google and search for them. If you want to ask questions feel free to ask me.

Lesson 6: How long should I wait to get my money?

For lessons 1-5 please read paid to click for beginners

Before you can get your money by clicking ads, you should wait first until you reach the minimum payout. What is minimum payout? It is the minimum you need before you can withdraw your money.

It is important to know the minimum amount before you withdraw so that you know how long will it take you to have your money in your hand.

Every time you click ads, the $.001 will go to your account in the PTC website, thus you can only use it to purchase from the store of the said site. Before you can withdraw them to your paypal/alertpay account, you need to earn the minimum balance.
The minimum balance for clicksia, incentria, cashnhits, scarlet, pplinx, gpt is $1.00, some websites ranges from $2-20. To know how much is the minimum payout of your PTC site, check the FAQs or click the cashout/withdraw button. Now, if you reached the minimum, here are the things you must do.

1. After you reach the minimum, check your profile if the alertpay/paypal e-mail ad is correct. Some sites do not allow cancellation of the withdrawal like clicksia and incentria. Once you clicked cashout, there's no turning back.

2. After you clicked cashout, you will be directed to a page where you will choose what modes of pament to use. The site will either ask for your paypal/alertpay e-mail or automatically process your transaction.

3. Wait for 1-7 days before you can receive your money in your preferred payment account. For clicksia, incentria, cashnhits, the duration is from 3-5 days.

Minimum Payout:

CashnHits and Cashstream-$ .6 but it will increase to $2 and stays at $2.
neobux-$2 but increasing
Incentria, Clicksia- $1.00
Scarlet, GPTplanet- starts at $.3 but increase to $2.
PPlinx- $2

Sunday, February 12, 2012

CashnHits and Cashstream paying and recommended site

I want to make money like you and I have been testing different sites to see which site will give me money. I joined cashnhits and cashstream last December 2011. At first I doubted continuing my membership because the ads ranges from $.00035 to $.007  for free members. Despite that, I gave it a chance and I am happy to report that they really pay their members. I was surprised that I am earning fast, the autosurf, paid to likes and PTCs when combined together can give me $.04 a day.

Why join Cashnhits and Cashstream?
First, both of them are owned by the same owner so they are almost the same. Each ad in this site does not give much money but once you clicked them all you can earn as much as $.04 each day as a standard member and without referral.

For Cashnhits you can earn money in three ways:
a. PTC- Cashnhits shows about 10 ads or more. Usually I earn about $.015 each day from these ads. It is not much but you can still increase this value.
b. PTS- paid to sign up will give you $.01 to $.5 depending in the task that they are offering. I am doubtful about their PTS because there is no dispute button unlike clicksia and incentria. However, I tried 9 PTS worth $.05 and I am happy to inform you that I was paid.
c. Autosurf- You can be paid just by opening a window for youtube. This is an easy way to earn money and you can earn about $.02 depending on the availability of ads. What is interesting about autosurf is that you do not have to click anything or to view the window, just let it run and you will get paid.

Cashstream is the same except that it does not have autosurf. Now, for you to earn more you can either go for premium or refer more members under your link.
In these sites no need to invest, post payment proofs to get paid.

By the way, the cashout amount is from $.6 to $2 (cashout ceiling will increase until it reaches $2). If you have any questions feel free to comment.

Wazzub legit or a scam?

WAZZUB is probably a SCAM
Wazzub is a new money making website where you will earn just by recruiting people. It may sound impossible but they made reasons like google and yahoo which are earning without doing anything. The thing is google and and yahoo earn by dispalying ads in  different sites, google have adwords where it get its money from. Wazzub on the other hand does not display ads. It has no products so how will it pay the members?

I am not saying that it is a SCAM, what I am saying is that it has a high risk of becoming a scam. Many bloggers would say that you have nothing to lose when you join it since its free. How about those who paid in websites like CLICKSIA to get some referrals. How about those who made efforts to encourage people to join the site. Not only time and money is wasted but hopes as well.

WAZZUB might just become like avail pay, paynize and the like. It is a site where it offers members that they will be paid by promoting the site and referring members. It is free to register there but you will not get anything.

You MAY EARN MONEY from this site if it is legit but it is more like a SCAM that gives people falls hope of earning. You may join and recruit as much as you want but do not put your hopes up. They say that members will earn just by recruiting people, it is a fantasy. It is like you said that you will earn just by recruiting people in joining facebook.

Heres my proof that the site is not real:
  • Although it's in pre-launch, it should have terms and conditions like PTCbox when it was in prelaunch. It should already compose of real webpage, not some kind of a programmer's project.
  • Even GIT Global Investment does not look real. No payment proofs, no reviews by members. NOTHING
  • It is a site with no money, they cannot even afford a blog with their own domain. It is still has ''
  • there is no about us page or anything that will identify themeselves. If it is real they would introduce themeselves right? Just like SFI where members have pictures and there is clear background how the site was made.
Their site said that they will make a site like google and yahoo where they will display ads and share it to the pre-launch members. Why would they share it to the members who contributed nothing to the capital? It will eventually become a PTC site or something like that. If ever that the money making scheme is true, members will earn so little because in profit sharing, the more members the lesser the share. It is contrary to their claim that the more you recruit, the more money you will get. Example, they earned $2M for a month and there are 1,600,910, half of their profit will be given to members so 1M will be divided to 1.6M people. That is if their profit will reach millions.

How will a site money earn by recruiting people to join?
O well scam or not you may join just do not put you hopes up. Let's just on April, its free forever so you can always join.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Openbux: paying but not recommended

Openbux seems to be a nice PTC site because you will earn .01 per click. However, they charge you $1 every cashout below $50. So from $2.2, you will only receive $.68($.38 paypal charge deducted.)

If you want a PTC that really pays try clicksia, incentria and cashnhits. I received payments from them without extra chrage. Openbux will also ask you to post the proof of payment, however there is no thread where you can post it.

It pays instantly though, but $1 is a big amount deducted from your hard earned money. I will not go back to it.
Its not really a scam because it pays but it will deduct a lot from your money. The thing is you worked hard to earn those clicks but more than half of it is taken from you. Other PTC sites does not charge paypal fees. So, I don't recommend it.
This is the payment proof I received. The money I requested is $2.2 and i only received $.68.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

SFI Affiliate Center

SFI affilaite

SFI Affiliate Center

Earn by selling items

Some of you might have heard or read this site in the internet. Some of you might have doubted it or thought that its just another scam sites. Well, I tried it and it is not. This will work for those who do not have internet at home because you do not have to be online each day.

How does this work?
It is a site which sells products like amazon and you get commissions each time you are able to sell a product. You can also sell your product if you want. What make this different from others is its unique versa points, TCredits and MRP. What are these? They are added methods for you to earn money and make makes the site better.

What make it better that other affiliate sites?
1. There are five ways to earn money including versa points. Versa points are points you earn for completing tasks and visiting the site each day. You also earn versa point by selling or buying products in the Tripple clicks page. For every 1500 VPoints, you will become an executive affiliate. As an EA, you will earn from the executive pool each month. You will earn $1.1 for every 1500 each month. The more VP you accumulated the more money you will get.

2. TCredits- TCredits are accumulated by buying it(you will earn VP points), or win it through their contests. These TCredits can be used to purchase items online. It is like a substitute for money. You will not earn VP by using it but you can earn VP by buying it. For example, If you buy 150 TCredits you will earn 1500 VP, aside from becoming an EA and earn from the executive pool, you can also use TCredits to purchase items. You can buy an e-book for as low as 2 TCredits. That is hitting two birds with one stone.

3. MRP are also collected each time you purchase an item, you can also use it to buy products.
4. You can earn VP and MRP for making people buy the products you refer to them.
5. They have training programs to help you get started and a free 1500 points when you sign up-you have to complete the tasks though.

How will I earn?
There are many ways to earn which you can read from there website, here they are:

1. Direct Commission- If you sold an item, you can earn as much as 45% commission. For example, you sold an e-book worth $4, you can earn $1 or more dollars from it.
2. VP executive pool- earn money by earning atleast 1500 points.
3. SFIPPA-Refer members, if they accumulated more that 1500, you can be paid but subject to some conditions.
4. Refer advertisers (ECA)
- you will get commission for referred advertisers.
5. Earn when your co-sponsor earn money or when the perso you refer sold or buys an item.

1. You need to be an EA every month to maximize your earning. If you cannot sell items, you have to buy some. If you have money, buy TCredits.
2. Your commissions will be credited to you every end of the month.
3. At first, I was confused on how to use it because of the many business terms in the help section--but you just have to sell items and earn VPoints.

Overall, This is a real business just like offline businesses. You need to be patient with it. Well, riches cannot come overnight, unless you win in a lottery. .

There, SFI.

Want to earn without investing money? Read the article "Earn money by referring people to join a site!" in this blog.