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Friday, February 24, 2012

PTC for beginners PAID-TO-SIGN UP

What is PTSU?

PTSU means Paid to Sign Up other call it offer. Many PTC websites integrate PTSU in their sites. To make it simple, PTSU requires you to do a task to be paid by the advertiser.  Most of the time these tasks involves registering in a website, submitting an email, registering in a PTC website and clicking ads for a certain number of days. For example, an advertisement is listed in Cliksia saying that you will be paid with $.1 if you register in Cashnhits and click all ads for four (4) days. 
Earn money with PTSU tutorial

Let us first discuss the basic parts or components of a PTSU. Knowing these parts is very important because it will prevent you from making mistakes. (I will post an actual picture once my internet connection is fixed, its too slow today)

1. The first thing that you will see is the title of the advertisement, slots available and the value that you will earn from it.  Below is an example of an offer or PTSU taken from CashNhits. You will see the title which usually contain a short description of the task that you need to do. Beside it is the amount that you will be paid upon completion of the task. The third column is a category whether it is free or not or whether you have to pay anything or not. Some sites do not have this third column. I recommend beginners to start doing free offers.The slots tells you the available people the advertiser can approve.


2. Click an offer that interest you and read the instructions CAREFULLY.  You have to follow the instructions or else you will not be approved. Click the link where you need to register or do.


3. Once you accomplished the task, post the username or e-mail you used in registering with the link you clicked. Note: the username required is not your username in the PTSU account but the username/ email you used to register in the link the advertiser provided. The second blank rectangle is where you will put the required details, if no specific detail is given just paste the confirmation mail you received from your e-mail.


The PTSU is usually located in  the page "complete offer" or "Paid to Sign Up". You will be directed to offers.

Things to Remember:
  • Make sure that you can do the offer before accepting it. For example, if the advertiser require you to click for 4 days make sure that you have an internet connection for that. As for cashnhits, advertiser are given 14 days whether or not to approve you.
  • Follow the instructions, if you are required to enter a confirmation message, copy the message sent to you by the website. Most links contain your username and password, delete your password before pasting the proof.
  • If the advertiser denied you for no reason, open a dispute. 

1. It is easy to earn money.
2. You do not need referrals to meet the minimum amount.

1. Some advertisers will deny you for no reason, in which case open a dispute.
2. Some task requiring you to download software which contains viruses.
3. There are tasks which are difficult to do.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Leave your questions below.

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