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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Affordable Gaming Laptops

Gamers love to play and they want to have the best gaming experience using their gadgets. Many gaming laptops are available in the market but they are really expensive. A lot of gamers would like to know how they can own a gaming laptop. But first, what constitute a gaming laptop?

The basic concept that we have to know is their spec or specification which usually involve the processor. There are two leading processor brands today, AMD and Intel. Gamers prefer AMD because of their graphic cards which are better than intel. However, according to online reviews and feedbacks from users, Intel performs faster and better than AMD. Quad Core AMDs are more expensive compared to Intel. The good news is that there are laptops which integrate Intel with Nvidia Graphic cards and ATI.

Why GPU/ Graphic Processing Unit is important?
Some players want to enjoy their gaming time by seeing detailed terrain and surroundings in game. However, laptops with high end GPUs are expensive compared to integrated cards of intel. If you are contented with substantial graphic display which is clear and not pixilized, Intel HD 3000 is sufficient. Intel i5 and intel i7 are cheaper if they only have their integrated graphic cards. But if you have so much money, buy AMD quadcore with high end GPU. AMD's radeon 7340 is similar with HD 3000, so if there's a higher gpu but still cheap buy it. But do not sacrifice the processor speed over the graphics if you do not want to experience pinging.

A 3 GB RAM is enough if you have a tight budget
If you cannot afford a 6 GB RAM settle to 3 or 4 GB RAM, it is sufficient for gaming as long as you will not open 5 high end games at a time. With 3 GB, I can play cabal and dragon nest games simultaneously without any problem. I believe that 8 and above GB RAM is needed if the processor is slow so that the number of memory would balance "slowness" of the processor.

Intel I and AMD A6 are good for gaming
Intel pentium b9s(b950-b980) are not good for gaming despite their high frequency (according to an article I read before.)

By the way, update for 7/29/13: Intel i3-3210M with HD4000 is a good investment. I bought it last June and it worked perfectly fine like intel i5. It is fast and the graphic is good and the price is cheap.
Another note from gamers: If you really want to play games, buy desktop. Desktops are cheaper yet many offer high end gaming experience. However, it's really bulky and you cannot bring it to school or office to brag about it.